The day-to-day musings of a frustrated conservative American.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Term Limits

Speaking in this post about Congress...

Some people think that term limits for politicians occur every 2 or 6 years -- calling them "elections". If the American public was at all educated, these might suffice.

I have heard the argument that "experience counts" as regards politicians. That explains why so many scoundrels are re-elected so many times, spending decades in their positions. No wonder it feels as though we have a ruling class in America.

What 'experience' is required to be a politician...? In a representative republic, we are supposed to be represented by those who are like ourselves, be they farmers, mechanics, lawyers, shopkeepers, etc.

I would absolutely impose term limits on every elected federal office of no more than TWO terms for every elected official serving in every elected office (if it's good enough for the office of the President, it's good enough for a Senator and Representative - this is America, we're not supposed to have a ruling class.. see the 22nd Amendment).

It's not rocket science to be a legislator. There's no great body of knowledge that needs to be digested, no minimum educational requirements to be met, no special training needed. The job requires honesty, thoughtfulness, and the knowledge that you will be sent home at the end of your (maximum) two terms, where you will have to earn a living just as do your constituents - and where you will be bound by the legislation you helped to create or pass during your time in office.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Applying Empathy in the SCOTUS

What is wrong with applying "empathy" to decisions rendered in the Supreme Court of the United States?

Empathy in a Supreme Court Justice -- who, by applying such empathy in their decision-making process -- is part of parcel of the Liberal doctrine of equal outcomes versus equal opportunities.

My question for such a Justice is: Empathy for whom...? The plaintiff or the defendant? How does this apply to Supreme Court rulings, anyway? What has empathy to do with the Constitution?

Diversity on the bench is simply more worthless Liberal tripe, and takes us back down exactly the wrong path. A qualified person for a job is qualified in spite of the color of their skin, their socio-economic background, their shoe size, their hair color, and their religion. If one of these criteria (or myriad others) needs to be applied to the person in order to explain their qualifications for the position, then they don't deserve it.

The shame of the whole issue is that Liberal identity politics will prevent any meaningful questioning of Judge Sotomayor's judicial qualifications, as anyone questioning her fitness for the bench will be immediately labeled 'racist' (or 'sexist'), and thus marginalized.

THAT'S WHY justice must be BLIND.

America on Her Birthday

America on her birthday... is on the wrong track.

"And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

Where are these people today?
Where is this spirit today?

We're a nation of cry-babies, sniveling and whining, begging the government to please share just a few more morsels given by others... creating little, accomplishing less, leading not at all.

This birthday seems like the last one Grandpa would enjoy in his home, surrounded by his family and friends -- for next year he will be placed in a nursing home, there to be mistreated and forgotten.

Until he passes.
