The day-to-day musings of a frustrated conservative American.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Everyone's Entitled to Their Opinion.. As Long As They Agree With Mine

As with all children, Liberals live by the very simple rule:
If I do it, it's OK.
If you do it, it's wrong.

This is particularly evident when 'speech' is the topic of discussion, but you can find excellent examples outside that arena, too - such as the feminist/NOW movement's hatred of Governor Sarah Palin, despite her ascension and successes. Purportedly the feminist/NOW movement was all about equality between the sexes, and empowering women; what they really meant, apparently, was equality and empowerment only for those specific women that agreed with their entire political platform.

Ditto speech. The John Edwards affair is an excellent example of muted reporting and criticism, by both the mainstream media and his 'contemporaries'. The Monica Lewinski affair is another great example - where was NOW when an intern was being sexually harassed...? She was a young woman in a clearly inferior position to a powerful man; this is the sort of case that NOW takes to court, and helps prosecute - but not when it's against someone with whom they agree politically. Then they throw this woman under the bus, because at the end of the day:

Liberals are all about themselves, and the moment; and they have few, if any, principles upon which to stand. Likely this is a result of their having thrown religion out the door in the 1960s, and having no moral compass, or center. Rather than do what's right, they do what's expedient - for themselves, and anyone who agrees with them. Disagree with them (see also: Joe Lieberman) and you're toast. They will say and do whatever they have to do to destroy you.

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