The day-to-day musings of a frustrated conservative American.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Socialized Medicine

Government-run health care will look a lot like other government-run entities.

So... the emergency room at your local hospital will be run like the Department of Motor Vehicles office where you live.


And that leaves aside, for the short-term, the lack of invention - and incentive - of which the United States currently enjoys an abundance. Who will want to be a doctor, for example, when a government panel decides that doctors should only earn X dollars per year? Who will want to attend medical school, endure residency, and - most important - accrue the massive debt associated with them - just to make a maximum of X dollars per year?

What's the incentive?

That's the part that liberals consistently miss... it's as though they cannot conceive of 'incentive', what it means and how it benefits our society. Did you know that England has been operating with such a shortage of doctors for the last several years, that they IMPORT doctors from other countries? Naturally, they doctors who emigrate to England do not have the education or skills required of doctors who learned their trade in England; so the quality of medical care suffers as a result.

This incentive applies to all fields, all areas. Medical devices, pharmaceutical drugs, patient care - everything. Some people complain that the cost of prescription drugs is too high; let's hear them complain when the supply of those drugs dries up, because government has forced price caps on the drug companies, thereby curtailing research and development - by curtailing incentive.

It's a liberal tenet to hate 'the rich', be they people or corporations - unless those people and corporations reside in Hollywood, of course. It's perfectly fine for Susan Sarandon to be paid $10 million to appear in a film, but the CEO of Pfizer only deserves $100k per year.

I don't begrudge a Hollywood celebrity, or a Fortune 500 CEO, or a doctor, whatever money they can make. We should ALL want to emulate them, not disparage them.

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