The day-to-day musings of a frustrated conservative American.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Missing You

I have sketched the memory of you in my mind a thousand times.

Your radiance is as mesmerizing as the sunset on a summer’s eve...
as graceful as moonbeams dancing on the seashore...
and as pure as the first snow of winter.

Each flaming thought of you blisters the core of my soul.

Nights and days become lengthy and wearisome...

My sleep is fitful, and my eyes close only to see you,
lying beside me in my bed,
smiling in your sleep.

In the tranquility of the darkness your breath echoes in the chambers of my soul.

The presence of you filters through my bedroom,
and your fragrance permeates the air that encircles me.

Searching frantically amid the linens,
I only find my frigid and barren bedsheets.

I bury my face into your pillow and bewail.

However, my hope for tomorrow keeps me alive...
and safe...
and warm.

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