The day-to-day musings of a frustrated conservative American.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mother and Father

I have long held the belief that in governance terms, liberals are like the country's mother, and conservatives are like the country's father. I'm not the first one to have this thought, but I wanted to save it here for future reference.

After the November 2012 election returned Obama to the Presidency, I started thinking about the mother/father paradigm a bit more deeply. It occurred to me that single-parent households voted Democrat by a wide margin... and I wondered why. With high unemployment and an economy stuck in neutral, it makes no sense for a single-income household to vote Democrat.

Unless, of course, they receive largesse from the government. Why bite (or vote out of office) the hand that feeds you?

Anyway, the salient point for me was to combine the two points: Liberals as mother, conservatives as father, and liberals voting Obama back into office.

Two groups of people are unlikely to vote for the 'Dad' party: Single mothers, and the children they raised. The children that had either an absent father, or none at all -- why would they vote for him for President?? They wouldn't, and didn't, and I think that once you decide to ignore the other demographic data from the election returns, you'll see that this holds absolutely true.

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