The day-to-day musings of a frustrated conservative American.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Top Strategic Goals for the Government

In no particular order, these are the top goals to which I think the US government should aspire:

1) Protect the citizenry from attacks by other nation-states and terrorists.
2) Promote free trade by removing tariffs.
3) Secure the borders by:
3a) Offering a general amnesty to anyone here illegally who has not otherwise committed a crime during their stay - the rest get deported;
3b) Declaring a 10-year closed-border policy, to be reviewed and adjusted as-needed, and not inclusive of those refugees suffering religious or ethnic persectution in their home country.
4) Lower ALL taxes (this really ought to read "Simplify the system of taxation by implementing a flat tax", but that's a conversation for another time).
5) Invest in energy independence by:
5a) Allowing oil companies to drill for oil in the ANWR and off the coasts;
5b) Promoting the construction of new oil refineries by offering tax breaks to ANY company who will build and maintain a refinery;
5c) Offering tax rebates for every person and company who purchases hybrid vehicles;
5d) Removing the ethanol requirements from all fuels (as this stupid requirement increases the cost of gasoline, for example, by ensuring that the gasoline with ethanol cannot be transported through pipelines);
5e) Building nuclear power plants.
6) Rescind all federal laws related to narcotics, and:
6a) Immediately pardon and release from prison all inmates serving sentences ONLY for non-violent drug-related offenses - after each inmate first devotes one-half of their remaining sentence on public works projects (to be determined by each state based on their needs), such as: Repairing roads and bridges, cleaning up streets, and so on.
7) Impose term limits on every elected federal office of no more than TWO terms for every elected official serving in every elected office (if it's good enough for the office of the President, it's good enough for a Senator and Representative - this is America, we're not supposed to have a ruling class.. see the 22nd Amendment).
8) Dissolve federal bureaucracies such as the Department of Education (since the 1950s - when the federal government got involved - the quality of education has gone down, and the cost has gone up), Health & Human Services, Housing & Urban Development, and others.. unless it can be pointed out in the Constitution, it ought to be left to the States.

1 comment:

The Black Sphere said...

Preach on Paul! Good ideas here. Keep writing, and find your voice! - The Black Sphere, Kevin Jackson
