The day-to-day musings of a frustrated conservative American.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why the Summit?

Seriously... what was the point of Thursday's health care summit, exactly? The outcome was pre-determined, as was the course of action to be taken by the liberals. From Politico on Thursday morning:

"After a brief period of consultation following the White House health reform summit, congressional Democrats plan to begin making the case next week for a massive, Democrats-only health care plan, party strategists told POLITICO.

"A Democratic official said the six-hour summit was expected to 'give a face to gridlock, in the form of House and Senate Republicans.'

"Democrats plan to begin rhetorical, and perhaps legislative, steps toward the Democrats-only, or reconciliation, process early next week, the strategists said."

"The point [of the summit] is to alter the political atmospherics, and it will take a day or two to sense if it succeeded,” the [same Democratic] official said.
That being the case, why meet with the minority Republicans at all? Why the charade of pretending that you give a damn about their thoughts, ideas, suggestions? Nothing's changed. Only 25% of the country, according to the latest polling, wants any of the bills already put forward.

Don't pretend that Obama or the Democrats have elicited Republican opinion in the past 13 months. "I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess." -- Obama. Then why the make-believe summit????

I love having the Republicans referred to as a "party of No". Only they should take it further, and refer to themselves as the party of "HELL NO". It's not about opposition for the sake of opposition.. that's called REFLECTING in psychological terms, and a condition with which liberals are quite cozy. They do it all the time.

It's about opposition to an asinine, intrusive, illegal bill, or set of bills, designed to do one thing and one thing only: Centralized MORE power in the hands of the liberal nanny state. End of story. This isn't about getting a single sick person healthier, and it damned well isn't about cutting ANYONE'S costs for anything. It's about power, and the liberals "in charge" and their sycophantic followers care nothing about either the country or its opinions about them. They care about themselves, first -foremost -and always.

They were never interested in hearing the opinions of the minority party; not 13 months ago ("I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess"), and for damned sure not today.

That should tell every American, no matter their particular political bent, that this administration cares ONLY about power... not about the citizens of the nation, not about the Constitution that he swore to uphold, not about the economy or anything else. Just POWER. And We the People have had enough.

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